



Sneak peak - July's Bag of love & Special edition Bag of love

Yay-ness! Just got my Bag of Love today! It's my third time subscribing a beauty box/bag. So far I liked the boxes or bags that I've subscribed! I didn't do any reviews for my previous box and bags though, but I do feel like reviewing my bags this month!  (o^^)o

Why would I decide to subscribe a beauty box/bag? I don't usually use skin care or cosmetic products, or I may say I'm actually lazy to use any skin care or cosmetics! (*^﹏^*) therefore, since these beauty boxes/bags would be giving me surprises and the products presented in a sufficient sample size where I could try on for a while, where I won't get bored of using the same thing for a long period and I wouldn't waste a lot of my $$$ since the box/bag cost me about RM39.90 per month, and I would get to different products at the same time! Why not, right? also due to my "new toilet bowl" attitude, I will just abandoned my used full size products aside and let it grow mushrooms and for God knows how much it cost for a full-size product! o>_<o~ so, for whoever is like me, I'd definitely recommend you to get a beauty box/bag to try out the samples before you fall in love and decided to buy a full size which you will definitely use it till the last drop!

So, here's the sneak preview of the July Bag of Love and its' special edition bag! In this case, it cost me RM39.90 for the July bag and RM59.90 for the special edition bag! Which it is totally worth the money!

To subscribe: http://www.bag-of-love.com

Yay! It's finally here!
the July bag in pink and the special edition bag in black, the 2 sets of samples that couldn't fit into July's bag, Etude House Aloe moistfull set and The Face Shop Chia Seed set.

will be revealing the products that were hiding inside the bags soon! 


Review: L'Occitane Angelica range - part 2

Sop! Done on that essence and moisturizer part, certified that I'm overly exposed to oil after the application! and it's now for the bb cream part, which I'm quite surprised that it's quite OK on my best non-stick frying pan face! I love the scent! Texture is fine and I don't feel oily and sticky after a long hour!

Love the texture And scent!
well, it's light on my confused combined face, it doesn't gets oily after long hour of wearing! 


Review: L'Occitane Angelica range - part 1

Have always been wanna review on some products that I'm using it the first time, but I don't know where to start! Well, after a long and hectic day, I've just decided to cheer myself up with the samples that I've just redeemed from L'Occitane, the Angelica range! Well, samples are really something that is useful and wouldn't burn my wallet if it's something luxury! O(≧∇≦)O

OK! Anyway, below are the given samples which there are 2 packs per item! Lovely!

I'm a totally-combo-skin-type! Which oily T-zone is a must and will definitely become oily whenever I have any type of face cream on! But I always love to try on face cream samples even if i know by the end of the day my face would end up like a frying pan, and I would die for it if it can even out the oil distribution on my face! 

So now iI'm adventurous enough to try on another moisturizer, where we shall see it by tomorrow whether I'll be a frying pan or water baby! 

Though I've been collecting samples but I'll still feel pai seh to stay long in the shop for not buying anything but asking for samples to try out!  ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ as usual, I fled after I asked for samples, as I didn't realized that there were 3 different items when the friendly promoter hand the samples to me. So I just figured out by myself that maybe I should put on the eye roll first, then the moisturizer, lastly the bb cream if I were to be going out! 

Have only tried out the eye roll and moisturizer first cuz it's already at night! Will only be able to try the bb cream tomorrow morning then.

As you can see from the photo, the eye roll is watery and easily absorbed by my thirsty skin under my eyes! 

Then, here comes the moisturizer, again as expected, though I don't feel greasy after applying but, I have the feeling that I'll be another frying pan by tomorrow! Well, I can't judge now. Let's wait till tomorrow and i shall update here!  (●´∀`●) 

The 3 items from the Angelica range! 

the moisturizer!
the eye roll on!



我自問不會! 我很樂意教導大家的! 因為我知道從此會多個人幫輕了我... 只是, 有些人眞的很take it for granted! 只要有你在, 我學過的都可以忘記, 可以不用再多想... 幾個月前問過我那麼多次在哪裡下載那些節目目錄, 第一次我可以教你, 示範怎麼下載, 下載完了就mail給你, 每問題的! 第二次問我, 我可以再教你, 也可以再示範怎麼下載! 但是第五次問, 我就只能夠很直接跟你說, 上次我給過你的那個link那裡下載. 因為我不可能再教你, 再示範怎麼下載了! 第一, 二, 三次我不介意, 也不認為才那兩三次你就會懂, 但是在第四次一開始就問我的話而不是自己開始動手做, 我怎樣都不想再從頭教你了... 第五次竟然想要我直接給你那些目錄! 那我就很直接說我沒有下載到了, 你可以自己上去下載!

那些做過那麼多次的TV schedule, 為什麼還要問我? 第一跟第二次我可以幫你怎麼開頭做... 第三跟第四次可以再問要怎麼做. 為什麼第五次了還要問我怎麼做? 我只能夠口述, 要怎麼開始, 其他的很對不起, 你要自己繼續了... 我以為我很樂意的教導, 可以換來有人專心的聽, 我可以鬆口氣... 怎麼會反過來了呢?

我在這裡, 可以輔導你, 但是並不是理所當然的. 我自問沒有耐性去教人, 但是為了有人可以幫忙我鬆口氣, 我不介意全心全意的教導! 我大可以不教, 全部讓你自己去摸索, 但是那會讓我更困擾因為如果你做錯了, 我就得補鍋! 那不如我現在教好你, 我以後不用浪費時間補鍋不更好? 但是你一而再, 再而三的問我, 好像旨意我從頭再教你. 我也有我的東西做, 我從頭再教你的話, 那我當初為何用那麼多的時間教你呢? 那不如我幫你做不是更好?




雖說我平日眞的不做虧心事, 但是有時候還是會被廁所門後那"雪白飄逸"的.........................................................................................廁紙嚇到. =.="