Yay-ness! Just got my Bag of Love today! It's my third time subscribing a beauty box/bag. So far I liked the boxes or bags that I've subscribed! I didn't do any reviews for my previous box and bags though, but I do feel like reviewing my bags this month! (o^^)o
Why would I decide to subscribe a beauty box/bag? I don't usually use skin care or cosmetic products, or I may say I'm actually lazy to use any skin care or cosmetics! (*^﹏^*) therefore, since these beauty boxes/bags would be giving me surprises and the products presented in a sufficient sample size where I could try on for a while, where I won't get bored of using the same thing for a long period and I wouldn't waste a lot of my $$$ since the box/bag cost me about RM39.90 per month, and I would get to different products at the same time! Why not, right? also due to my "new toilet bowl" attitude, I will just abandoned my used full size products aside and let it grow mushrooms and for God knows how much it cost for a full-size product! o>_<o~ so, for whoever is like me, I'd definitely recommend you to get a beauty box/bag to try out the samples before you fall in love and decided to buy a full size which you will definitely use it till the last drop!
So, here's the sneak preview of the July Bag of Love and its' special edition bag! In this case, it cost me RM39.90 for the July bag and RM59.90 for the special edition bag! Which it is totally worth the money!
To subscribe: http://www.bag-of-love.com