

嘿嘿, 終於上到船了~~~

雖然比不上我上次坐過的水瓶星號, 但是雙子星號還是一艘不錯的郵輪哦!


上船後第一餐, 午餐~~~ 累得要命啊~~~ 那天早上還一大早起床, 上班都沒那麼準時!

還可以拍到碼頭呢! 船還沒開啊~~~ 要等到何時!?!?!?

哇哈哈! 其實這張是打斜拍的! 誰叫風要打橫來?

偶然拍到的! 偷襲我!

繼續閒逛... 逛到這裡, 看到有一幅超大的鏡子, 我們衝著鏡子猛拍自己... 4個呆瓜!

在同一個地方, 我們終於放棄鏡子了... 呵呵!

well, 在船上, 不是吃就是睡的了, 我們的tea time, chocolate buffet! 船就在這個時候開航了!!!

吃完茶點, 做做運動到處跑跑吧~ SuperStar Gemini就在我後面!

最後逛累了, 我們到船頭泡! 在等晚餐時間! 嗯... 海闊天空啊~~~ 我的腳板! 哇哈哈!

>>>>to be continued...
wah... so relaxing~ hhmmm... i want i want..... i miss the sea.. actually the price for each person is how much lehh??? roughly tell me... coz i searched for the cruise package before, quite expensive worr... right? One person also need about 1k right?? what to do beside eating and walking around?? just to see the sea?? got casino? i feel like bringing my parents go worr
oh~ i "chap sei kai" (pick dead chicken) one~ cuz my devil's friend who is suppose to go but in the end she have a company trip, that's y i can chap sei kai @ RM500... haha~
actually u can check with the travel agents, they offered different routes that u can choose and also cheaper... mine is kl to sg then sg back to kl.
wah... this sei kai really cheap wor.. i did check it few times, the price min also need about 1k... so ended up, didn't go.
hehehe~ check with skyzone, my devil's friend got it from there one...
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